Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Heads a bit foggy today, we partied until almost 5:00 AM, but so worth it. We did turn the camera on for awhile but I have no idea what we actually got as I was on camera, not operating it. I didn't turn on any studio lights so it might appear darker than normal but it will give you a sense of my little gathering, none the less. Will try to get that up soon! In the pic you see my personal slave for the night, doing what he does best, kissing Ass! :)

As things seem to be functioning normal I'm going to get back to adding archived content, today, but not before adding a new clip, pic-of-the-day, and whatever else strikes my fancy (I have so many pics, should really do some more galleries, but give me feedback so I know what you are looking for?) as I plug along... and today, plugging along sounds like the appropriate words.

luv, Kandy

My Wish List
