April 25th Update!

April 25th Update!

Busy as a bee getting ready to fly to Vegas where we will shoot with Naughtia and another HOT girl or two.  Wanted to post here before leaving and as usual I'm scrambling to get my crap together, not sure if i will have another blog post but I have updates scheduled for every day while I'm away, so outside of my words of wisdom here it is business as usual.

I see it's hot there right now, maybe as high as 100F (35C).  I plan to spend as much time as possible at my rooftop pool, between shoots, and soak up some sun (not to much though) so it's going to be a lot of fun and knowing me I bound to find some extra ciricular activity along the way as I do look pretty good in my bikini... so, I'm told.

I will check email daily so will still be available, I might just not be as prompt.  Oh, we have everything set up to do live feeds, BIG NEWS, and will be getting that going once I get back.  I assume down the road I can do live feeds even on the road trips but will have more details next week.

luv, Kandy
