March 13th Update!

March 13th Update!

AWESOME News.... I have been mentioning for a while that we will soon be on a new server and that will increase streaming rates, download times, and so on, well as it turns out it is much more than that. We have hired a new programming team, as well, who have been working diligently for several weeks now to just improve the overall function-ability of the site, add several features that are not here at all, and just clean up annoying things that some members are dealing with. There are some cosmetic issues too including a dedicated home page where the clips, pics and story thumbs will all be together and listed in order of date added.

I just sat through a lengthy skype session and saw everything in action, OMG, it's amazing (excluding the new learning curve required from your webMistress) and for me at the very top of the list is Video. Visually the player will be a lot better, it moves to the forefront when clicked, with the backdrop darkening, plus the streaming is smooth as silk and you now have multiple download options including small file sizes that can even be loaded on a hand held device. There are several other new things that will be added but I won't get into all those details right now. This whole process has taken longer than expected, trust me I have all but beat my head against the wall, at times, and I think once, or twice, actually beat my slaves head against the wall, but we are real close now to having things perfected.

If you are a member thanks for being part of it all, you are only days away from the true ultimate experience, and if you are not a member now is the time to join and lock in at our current lower rates... We are currently sitting with an all time high membership and look to keep growing and bringing you even more great FemDom content. I added a new clip today, working on a few other things, so check back soon!

luv, Kandy