New site and New Server on Monday

New site and New Server on Monday

Monday is the big day, the new site is ready to go and we will spend the weekend reviewing everything, one last time, and then on Monday, at some point, the final product will be there for you to enjoy. I have checked things extensively and everything looks really good. The thing everyone will love the most, undoubtedly, is the video player, finally smooth streaming, and the download options are wicked too, you can now download the clip in 3 file sizes, the smallest is ideal for your handheld device.

We have hired the absolutely best people to redo the site, they have their hands in some of the top sites in the world, and I'm confident that we will soon be rated as the number 1 FemDom site on the web, once the reviews start to come out. I have been putting review sites off for a long time and am so excited about giving them the go ahead to review us, it's going to be amazing.

We will restrict new signups on Monday, for a time, but for existing members the switch should be pretty much seamless, and I will be sure to post here to let you know what's happening. as for today, going to add some new clips now!

luv, Kandy