December 16, 2012

December 16, 2012

It's that special time of the year again, where you have to tolerate all that family stuff. Generally, I do not mind it but could really have stood to miss Christmas this year, what with all the Site stuff going on. I have my two main boys helping me and this is now a 7 day a week job, with a few breaks only for them to humor me in some manner. That might be sucking my feet, or more private tasks, and then of course there is laundry, cooking and keeping the house clean. Trust me though, just checking on their work is no small task, today I walked by the hall mirror and there were finger marks on it. Duh! I am not a big kicker of balls, but sometimes it has to be done. Dumb ass laying there on the floor, hoping someone will feel sorry for him... here is a little spit to comfort you.

I have added two new clips today, The Proof is in the Pain 3 and I want to Ride All Day Long, and I am sure there will be a third clip here shortly... probably as soon as I'm done here! Comments on the Clips are appreciated and any feedback in general, you can always email me to at

I'm going to have some clips of me up here in the next few days so get excited about that... and that's about all I know today! ;)

luv, Kandy

P.S. T and I make perfect asses of ourselves, in the pic! Only 6 votes on the Poll? Come on guys how hard is it click on a button!