December 20, 2012

December 20, 2012

Anyone know someone who thinks the world is coming to an end? Really? If you don not believe science what do you believe? These end of world stories never do seem to end either, do they? Got me thinking though, a lot of people die in the world every day. for some people it will be the end. Hopefully no one dies from a heart attack, in fear of the end being upon us. OMG, I can see the moon through my window, it must be a sign. We have worked to hard on the new site for the world to end, so do not even think about it.

I have a busy day tomorrow (Friday) with live sessions... a toilet slave, a cuckold, and a pain pig... should be an interesting day, all in all. I am about to add a few new clips, check for them on the home page, one featuring the always wicked Mistress Juicy (seen in the pic with obedient slave dug who happens to be a toilet, cuckold and pain pig all in one.

luv, Kandy